Human Resource Videos

What is Human Resource videos?
Human Resources managers should consider including HR video clips in their arsenal of resources.
Video is one of the easiest ways to quickly learn new strategies. Video also helps employees retain new information longer and bolsters interest by engaging several senses at once. A quality video can help motivate more self-learning time.
How Can Explainer Videos Support Human Resources?
Explainer videos can be a helpful tool for human resources. Because this department is heavily involved with onboarding new hires, staff members often have a lot of details to relay. Much of the time, you need to find a way to communicate this new information relatively quickly. Explainer videos can help employees retain new material, and comprehend and implement it more quickly than they would if they experienced it through just text or audio. Here are several ways human resources can use explainer videos:
Compliance and Code of Conduct Video – Individual businesses have unique legal requirements and rules for staff conduct that need to be communicated prior to employment. Using a story-based structure in an explainer video, companies can express the importance of maintaining compliance with company rules. An explainer video allows you to quickly relay important details in a way new hires are more likely to remember.
Employee Training Video – New staff may require training on complicated procedures or the use of certain computer systems. The capacity of video to quickly distill complex ideas into a comprehensible message makes it an excellent training tool. Current employees can also benefit from this resource.
Internal Messaging and Procedure Video – When policies change or when employees simply need a reminder about how to implement procedures correctly, human resources can send out an explainer video to quickly provide workers with the new information they need.
Internal Announcement Video – Send staff an explainer video to efficiently communicate a corporate event, new recruiting policy or changing procedure.

What are the Benefits of Using Animated Video for Human Resources?
Video has proven to be an extremely effective means of educating people. When you’re dealing with important procedures and legal requirements, communicating with the staff is vital and animated video can help. Studies have shown that people are able to remember and apply more of the information they receive through video. In fact, the comprehension of the information presented increases by as much as 75 percent when communicated through video.
Explainer videos are also easily trackable. When you are relating important details regarding changes to healthcare policies, or something else equally vital to sustaining your workforce, you often want to ensure that everyone has received the message. Using video metrics, it is easy to keep track of who is watching your videos, so you can identify individuals who have yet to do so. In addition, it’s easy to implement quizzes and testing tools on top of a video program. Once you have provided the information, use a short quiz to test employee knowledge.
When you need to communicate in an effective way, an animated explainer video is the ideal way to do it. PowerPoint presentations and manuals are often the traditional methods used for relating human resources information. However, a video is more engaging and gets the job done more quickly. Since video uses a narrative structure and engaging imagery, viewers are likely to come away not only informed, but with an idea of how the information is relevant to their employment with your company.
“Creativity is a crushing chore and a glorious mystery. The work wants to be made, and it wants to be made through you.”
Elizabeth Gilbert

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